Integrated Multi-Omics Maps of Lower-Grade Gliomas

Cancers (Basel). 2022 Jun 4;14(11):2797. doi: 10.3390/cancers14112797.


Multi-omics high-throughput technologies produce data sets which are not restricted to only one but consist of multiple omics modalities, often as patient-matched tumour specimens. The integrative analysis of these omics modalities is essential to obtain a holistic view on the otherwise fragmented information hidden in this data. We present an intuitive method enabling the combined analysis of multi-omics data based on self-organizing maps machine learning. It "portrays" the expression, methylation and copy number variations (CNV) landscapes of each tumour using the same gene-centred coordinate system. It enables the visual evaluation and direct comparison of the different omics layers on a personalized basis. We applied this combined molecular portrayal to lower grade gliomas, a heterogeneous brain tumour entity. It classifies into a series of molecular subtypes defined by genetic key lesions, which associate with large-scale effects on DNA methylation and gene expression, and in final consequence, drive with cell fate decisions towards oligodendroglioma-, astrocytoma- and glioblastoma-like cancer cell lineages with different prognoses. Consensus modes of concerted changes of expression, methylation and CNV are governed by the degree of co-regulation within and between the omics layers. The method is not restricted to the triple-omics data used here. The similarity landscapes reflect partly independent effects of genetic lesions and DNA methylation with consequences for cancer hallmark characteristics such as proliferation, inflammation and blocked differentiation in a subtype specific fashion. It can be extended to integrate other omics features such as genetic mutation, protein expression data as well as extracting prognostic markers.

Keywords: DNA methylome and copy number variation data; integrative cancer bioinformatics; lower grade gliomas; modes of genomics regulation; self-organizing maps machine learning; transcriptome.