Mast cell activation syndrome-anesthetic challenges in two different clinical scenarios

J Biomed Res. 2022 May 28;36(6):435-439. doi: 10.7555/JBR.36.20220071.


Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) includes a group of disorders that result in the inappropriate release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells. These mediators can affect multiple organ systems and lead to significant morbidity, and possible fatality. Although reactions, typically in response to various nonspecific stimuli, are usually mild, they may put those with MCAS at increased risk of anaphylaxis. In this case report, we present two clinical scenarios of MCAS, and identify possible factors triggering mast cell mediator release. We also define a preoperative preventive pathway, outline anesthetic considerations, and discuss the management of immediate hypersensitivity reactions in patients with MCAS. Meticulous preoperative preparation, avoidance of triggers, and development of a plan to treat possible adverse organ responses are paramount of good outcomes.

Keywords: mast cell activation syndrome; mast cell disease.

Grants and funding

This work was supported in part by the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine of University of California Davis Health and NIH grant UL1 TR000002 to the University of California Davis Health.