Birth cohort is an important observational study which can continuously and dynamically collect the exposure changes and health outcomes from gametophyte development to adolescence and even old age. However, because of its complex design and difficult implementation, how to construct birth cohort with high quality and high efficiency is the main difficulty faced by epidemiologists at home and abroad. In 2016, China National Birth Cohort was officially launched. The network and information technology were used to explore, and a set of "cloud-based information platform" was established to support this queue construction, containing 16 units in China. After four years of development, the platform has formed a complete set of programs about the construction of cohort information platform, which including recruitment and follow-up management of participants, real-time data interaction, queue quality control, multi-level authority management and function division. The relevant design framework and functional elements provide the references to the future information construction of large-scale birth cohort and even population-based research in China.
大型出生队列是持续、动态地收集个体生命早期暴露信息,探讨暴露与生命远期健康结局因果关联的一种重要的队列研究类型。但由于其设计复杂、实施难度大,如何保证出生队列建设的高质量高效率是国内外流行病学研究者面临的主要挑战。2016年,国家重点研发计划资助的中国国家出生队列(China National Birth Cohort)建设正式启动。该队列在设计实施过程中,不断积累经验,充分运用网络和信息化手段,探索并建立了一套“云端信息平台”,以支撑覆盖全国16家单位的出生队列建设。经过四年的发展,该系统平台在“出生队列人群招募和随访管理、数据的实时交互、队列质量控制、多级权限管理和职能划分”等多个方面已经发展出一整套完善的建设方案。该平台的设计框架和功能要素对于我国今后出生队列乃至大型人群研究的信息化建设具有重要的参考意义。.