Two-dimensional electron systems in a quantizing magnetic field are regarded as of exceptional interest, considering the possible role of anyons-quasiparticles with non-boson and non-fermion statistics-in applied physics. To this day, essentially none but the fractional states of the quantum Hall effect (FQHE) have been experimentally realized as a system with anyonic statistics. In determining the thermodynamic properties of anyon matter, it is crucial to gain insight into the physics of its neutral excitations. We form a macroscopic quasi-equilibrium ensemble of neutral excitations - spin one anyon complexes in the Laughlin state ν = 1/3, experimentally, where ν is the electron filling factor. The ensemble is found to have such a long lifetime that it can be considered the new state of anyon matter. The properties of this state are investigated by optical techniques to reveal its Bose properties.
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