Interprofessional learning about medication safety

Clin Teach. 2021 Dec;18(6):656-661. doi: 10.1111/tct.13430. Epub 2021 Oct 20.


Background: Safe medication management requires collaboration between health professionals.

Approach: A mixed academic and clinician team co-designed and co-facilitated a 2-h interprofessional medication safety workshop, covering medication history taking, perioperative medication management, discharge planning, incident review and dosing and administration calculations. Three workshop sessions were delivered across three sites during September 2019 at a large metropolitan healthcare network. Senior nursing, medical and pharmacy students were invited to participate in the workshops and evaluation.

Evaluation: We evaluated satisfaction, learning experience and perceived clinical application for medical, pharmacy and nursing students. Surveys were conducted immediately after each workshop and at 4 weeks. Quantitative data was analysed descriptively and qualitative data analysed using thematic analysis. Forty-five students participated in the evaluative component of the workshops. Mean student response scores demonstrated a high level of satisfaction with the workshop's relevance and utility to their learning. Students expressed strong agreement that the workshop promoted communication across professions for medication safety. Analysis of the qualitative data identified seven key themes, with consistently positive responses provided in each: interactions within the interprofessional team; recognising the importance of teams; learning the process of medication use; acknowledging and working with difference; role playing; thinking patient safety; and authenticity.

Implications: A 2-h interprofessional workshop about medication safety provided positive learning experiences with high satisfaction to medical, nursing and pharmacy students, and had strong perceived applicability to their future clinical practice.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Attitude of Health Personnel
  • Humans
  • Interprofessional Relations
  • Learning
  • Students, Nursing*
  • Students, Pharmacy*

Grants and funding