Nonequilibrium Dynamics and Weakly Broken Integrability

Phys Rev Lett. 2021 Sep 24;127(13):130601. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.127.130601.


Motivated by dynamical experiments on cold atomic gases, we develop a quantum kinetic approach to weakly perturbed integrable models out of equilibrium. Using the exact matrix elements of the underlying integrable model, we establish an analytical approach to real-time dynamics. The method addresses a broad range of timescales, from the intermediate regime of prethermalization to late-time thermalization. Predictions are given for the time evolution of physical quantities, including effective temperatures and thermalization rates. The approach provides conceptual links between perturbed quantum many-body dynamics and classical Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory. In particular, we identify a family of perturbations which do not cause thermalization in the weakly perturbed regime.