Local administration of zoledronic acid prevents traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head in rat model

J Orthop Translat. 2021 Mar 8:27:132-138. doi: 10.1016/j.jot.2020.08.005. eCollection 2021 Mar.


Background: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head (ONFH) is a refractory disease due to its unclear pathomechanism. Neither conservative treatment nor surgical treatment during the early stage of ONFH achieves satisfactory results. Therefore, this study aims to explore the available evidence on the effect of zoledronic acid on early-stage ONFH.

Methods: For groups were established:the Normal group, model group, Normal saline group(NS group) and zoledronic acid-treated group. The blood supply to the femoral head of animals in the model group and zoledronic acid-treated group was interrupted via a surgical procedure, and zoledronic acid was then locally administered to the femoral head. Four weeks after surgery, all the hips were harvested and evaluated by micro-CT and histopathology(H&E staining, TRAP staining, Toluidine blue staining and masson staining).

Results: The values of BMD, BS/BV and Tb.Th in the Normal group and zoledronic acid-treated group were significantly higher than those in the model group and NS group (p ​< ​0.05). The outcome of H&E staining, Toluidine blue staining and masson staining were consistent with that of micro-CT.

Conclusion: The local administration of zoledronic acid in the femoral head had positive effects on the bone structure of the femoral head in a modified rat model of traumatic ONFH and offered a promising therapeutic strategy during the early stage of ONFH.

The translational potential of this article: This article could provide a choice for treating patients who have osteonecrosis of femora head and can be the basic research for advanced development over this disease.

Keywords: Early stage; Local administration; Osteonecrosis of the femoral head; Prevent; zoledronic acid.