Transforming a PICU Into an Adult ICU During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: Meeting Multiple Needs

Crit Care Explor. 2020 Sep 15;2(9):e0201. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000201. eCollection 2020 Sep.


We describe the process converting half of our 40-bed PICU into a negative-pressure biocontainment ICU dedicated to adult coronavirus disease 2019 patients within a 1,003-bed academic quaternary hospital. We outline the construction, logistics, supplies, provider education, staffing, and operations. We share lessons learned of working with a predominantly pediatric staff blended with adult expertise staff while maintaining elements of family-centered care typical of pediatric critical care medicine. Critically ill coronavirus disease 2019 adult patients may be cared for in a PICU and care may be augmented by implementing elements of holistic, family-centered PICU practice.

Keywords: adult; coronavirus disease 2019; critically ill; family-centered care; pediatric intensive care unit; staffing.