Water-Triggered Photoinduced Electron Transfer in Acetonitrile-Water Binary Solvent. Solvent Microstructure-Tuned Reactivity of Hydrophobic Solutes

J Phys Chem B. 2020 Jul 9;124(27):5654-5664. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.0c02635. Epub 2020 Jun 27.


The solvent-composition dependence of quenching triplet states of benzophenone (3BP) by anisole in acetonitrile-water (ACN-H2O) mixtures was investigated by laser flash photolysis over the water mole fraction (xw) increasing from 0 to 0.92. Single exponential decay of 3BP was observed over the whole composition range. The quenching rate constant consistently increased with the water content but increased far more rapidly with xw > 0.7. The water-triggered electron-transfer (ET) mechanism was confirmed by a steeply growing quantum yield of the benzophenone ketyl radical anion, escaping back-ET when the partial water volume exceeded the acetonitrile one. The water-content influence on the 3BP quenching rate was described by a kinetic model accounting for the microheterogeneous structure of the ACN-H2O mixtures and the very different solubility of the reactants in the solvent components. According to the model, the ET mechanism occurs at a rate constant of 1.46 × 109 M-1 s-1 and is presumably assisted by the ACN-H2O hydrogen-bonding interaction.

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  • Research Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.