Epistemische Begegnungen, neue Herausforderungen. Drei Gedanken zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Medizin

Ber Wiss. 2018 Dec;41(4):371-373. doi: 10.1002/bewi.201801929.
[Article in German]


Epistemic Encounters, Emerging Challenges. Three Thoughts about the History of Science and Medicine. With good reason, the future of the history of science and medicine can be characterized as a continuous move towards diversity. Epistemic encounters between disciplines, approaches and subject areas are continuously emerging. At the same time, new and disturbing challenges have arisen in the relationship between science, politics and society. Based on this observation, the following miniature offers three reflective thoughts. These aim (1) to raise more awareness of the socio‐political responsibility of historiographical positioning; (2) to address questions of (historical) relationality and (theoretical) systematicity more explicitly; and (3), and by focusing on German academic medicine, to highlight some desiderata at the intersection of the history of science and contemporary history.

Keywords: Diversifizierung; Epistemologie; Medizingeschichte; Politik; Systematizität; Wissenschaftsgeschichte; Zeitgeschichte; contemporary history; diversification; epistemology; history of medicine; history of science; politics; systematicity.