Cellular agriculture has been considered a mechanism to enable the generation of animal protein in the laboratory. Notwithstanding, this emerging technology, still on an experimental scale, is imbued with speculations, paradoxes, and ambiguities. So, the objective of this research was to analyze how synthetic meat is considered in the scientific context from the perspective of cellular agriculture considering its trajectory and its approaches. For this, we used a systematic review of the literature with detailed analysis of 109 manuscripts and application of network analysis of co-citations and predominance. This paper has constructed a historical overview of the conceptual evolution of science concerning synthetic meat from its emergence to the present day. We also verified and categorized the research about synthetic meat into three distinct approaches: (1) environmental and health; (2) technical and economic feasibility of the production process; and (3) social and market. This research maximizes the understanding of synthetic meat and its stage of technological and economic development to make commercial production feasible. Aside from that, it has brought insights about synthetic meat and this knowledge can be used by the conventional meat industries.
Keywords: Alternative protein; Artificial meat; Clean meat; Cultured meat; In vitro meat; Synthetic beef.
© Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2019.