The ClpAP complex is a conserved bacterial protease that unfolds and degrades proteins targeted for destruction. The ClpA double-ring hexamer powers substrate unfolding and translocation into the ClpP proteolytic chamber. Here, we determined high-resolution structures of wild-type Escherichia coli ClpAP undergoing active substrate unfolding and proteolysis. A spiral of pore loop-substrate contacts spans both ClpA AAA+ domains. Protomers at the spiral seam undergo nucleotide-specific rearrangements, supporting substrate translocation. IGL loops extend flexibly to bind the planar, heptameric ClpP surface with the empty, symmetry-mismatched IGL pocket maintained at the seam. Three different structures identify a binding-pocket switch by the IGL loop of the lowest positioned protomer, involving release and re-engagement with the clockwise pocket. This switch is coupled to a ClpA rotation and a network of conformational changes across the seam, suggesting that ClpA can rotate around the ClpP apical surface during processive steps of translocation and proteolysis.