Burnout among vascular surgery trainees is a significant problem and needs to be addressed at the level of the individual, training program duties, and at each institution. The clinical challenges and patient-oriented care required of a vascular surgeon generate a level of stress that requires its recognition and development of coping methods to promote well-being and personal happiness. There are ways to minimize burnout during surgical training, including acknowledgment of its symptoms, mentorship, self-care, and access to resources for stress reduction. Crucial factors in maintaining a positive outlook and a sense of meaningful work are faculty entrustability, receptive leadership, celebrating small victories, and recognition that resiliency is a skill that can be learned. Successful vascular surgeon training is a mission that requires everyone involved to actively promote well-being behavior and a supportive work environment. With appropriate implementation of these practices, our training programs can cultivate surgeons who are competent, compassionate, and committed to advancing vascular care.
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