Accurate and early detection of diverse HIV-1 subtypes using currently available p24 antigen assays have been a major challenge. We report the development of a sensitive time resolved fluorescence (TRF) europium nanoparticle immuno assay for cross subtype detection of p24 antigen using broadly cross-reactive antibodies. Several antibodies were tested for optimal reactivity with antigens of diverse HIV-1 subtypes and circulating recombinant forms. We tested HIV strains using this assay for sensitivity and quantification ability at the pico-gram per millilter level. We identified two broadly cross-reactive HIV-1 p24 antibodies C65690M and ANT-152, which detected all strains of HIV tested. These two antibodies also yielded a better signal to cutoff ratio for the same amount of antigen tested in comparison to a commercial assay. Using an appropriate combination of C65690M and ANT-152 p24 antibodies capable of detecting all HIV types and highly sensitive TRF-based europium nano particle assay platform, we developed a sensitive p24 antigen assay that can detect HIV infection of all HIV subtypes and may be useful in early detection.
Keywords: CRFs; ELISA; HIV; europium nanoparticle assay; recombinants; time resolved fluorescence.