Empirical antimicrobial treatment in haemato-/oncological patients with neutropenic sepsis

ESMO Open. 2018 Jun 13;3(3):e000348. doi: 10.1136/esmoopen-2018-000348. eCollection 2018.


Neutropenic sepsis in haemato-/oncological patients is a medical emergency, as infections may show a fulminant clinical course. Early differentiation between sepsis and febrile neutropenic response often proves to be challenging. To assess the severity of the illness, different tools, which are discussed in this article, are available. Once the diagnosis has been established, the correct use of early empirical antibiotic and antifungal treatment is key in improving patient survival. Therefore, profound knowledge of local resistance patterns is mandatory and carefully designed antibiotic regimens have to be established in cooperation with local microbiologists or infectious diseases specialists. In the following, identification, therapy and management of high-risk, neutropenic patients will be reviewed based on experimental and clinical studies, guidelines and reviews.

Keywords: anti-infective agents; antimicrobial resistance; fever; neutropenia; sepsis.

Publication types

  • Review