Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia, a Hallmark of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Alters the Gut Microbiome and Metabolome

mSystems. 2018 Jun 5;3(3):e00020-18. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00020-18. eCollection 2018 May-Jun.


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common disorder characterized by episodic obstruction to breathing due to upper airway collapse during sleep. Because of the episodic airway obstruction, intermittently low O2 (hypoxia) and high CO2 (hypercapnia) ensue. OSA has been associated with adverse cardiovascular and metabolic outcomes, although data regarding potential causal pathways are still evolving. As changes in inspired O2 and CO2 can affect the ecology of the gut microbiota and the microbiota has been shown to contribute to various cardiometabolic disorders, we hypothesized that OSA alters the gut ecosystem, which, in turn, exacerbates the downstream physiological consequences. Here, we model human OSA and its cardiovascular consequence using Ldlr-/- mice fed a high-fat diet and exposed to intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia (IHH). The gut microbiome and metabolome were characterized longitudinally (using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and untargeted liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry [LC-MS/MS]) and seen to covary during IHH. Joint analysis of microbiome and metabolome data revealed marked compositional changes in both microbial (>10%, most remarkably in Clostridia) and molecular (>22%) species in the gut. Moreover, molecules that altered in abundance included microbe-dependent bile acids, enterolignans, and fatty acids, highlighting the impact of IHH on host-commensal organism cometabolism in the gut. Thus, we present the first evidence that IHH perturbs the gut microbiome functionally, setting the stage for understanding its involvement in cardiometabolic disorders. IMPORTANCE Intestinal dysbiosis mediates various cardiovascular diseases comorbid with OSA. To understand the role of dysbiosis in cardiovascular and metabolic disease caused by OSA, we systematically study the effect of intermittent hypoxic/hypercapnic stress (IHH, mimicking OSA) on gut microbes in an animal model. We take advantage of a longitudinal study design and paired omics to investigate the microbial and molecular dynamics in the gut to ascertain the contribution of microbes on intestinal metabolism in IHH. We observe microbe-dependent changes in the gut metabolome that will guide future research on unrecognized mechanistic links between gut microbes and comorbidities of OSA. Additionally, we highlight novel and noninvasive biomarkers for OSA-linked cardiovascular and metabolic disorders.

Keywords: cardiovascular; metabolism; microbiome; sleep apnea.