We assessed the relationships between changes in lung compliance, lung volumes and dynamic hyperinflation in patients with emphysema who underwent bronchoscopic treatment with nitinol coils (coil treatment) (n=11) or received usual care (UC) (n=11). Compared with UC, coil treatment resulted in decreased dynamic lung compliance (CLdyn) (p=0.03) and increased endurance time (p=0.010). The change in CLdyn was associated with significant improvement in FEV1 and FVC, with reduction in residual volume and intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure, and with increased inspiratory capacity at rest/and at exercise. The increase in end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) during exercise (EELVdyn-ch=EELVisotime EELVrest) demonstrated significant attenuation after coil treatment (p=0.02).
Keywords: emphysema; exercise capacity; lung volume reduction.
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