Electrical circuit model of ITO/AZO/Ge photodetector

Data Brief. 2017 Jul 14:14:62-67. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2017.07.031. eCollection 2017 Oct.


In this data article, ITO/AZO/Ge photodetector was investigated for electrical circuit model. Due to the double (ITO and AZO) transparent metal-oxide films (DOI:10.1016/j.mssp.2016.03.007) (Yun et al., 2016) [1], the Ge heterojunction device has a better interface quality due to the AZO layer with a low electrical resistance due to the ITO layer (Yun et al., 2015) [2]. The electrical and interfacial benefitted ITO/AZO/Ge heterojunction shows the quality Schottky junction. In order to investigate the device, the ITO/AZO/Ge heterojunction was analyzed by R-C circuit model using the impedance spectroscopy.

Keywords: Heterojunction; ITO/AZO/Ge photodetector; Impedance spectroscopy; R-C circuit model.