Systemic therapy options for small cell lung cancer patients with extensive disease remain poor. After an initial response on first-line therapy, virtually all patients develop disease progression. For those who showed an initial response only few therapy options with low response rates are currently available. Until now, many experimental and targeted agents have failed to yield convincing clinical benefits, and new therapy options are clearly warranted for these patients. In this year's oncological congresses, several new therapy strategies, including checkpoint inhibition, showed promising results in ongoing trials. Furthermore, a potential benefit of new agents targeting DLL3, Aurora A kinase and PARP-inhibitor was reported. In this review we summarize new developments and critically highlight the most important and promising data in the relapsed small cell lung cancer disease.
Keywords: SCLC; alisertib; atezolizumab; checkpoint; durvalumab; extensive disease; nivolumab; pembrolizumab; rovalpituzumab-teserine; small cell lung cancer; veliparib.