Fukushima-derived radiocesium in the western North Pacific in 2014

J Radioanal Nucl Chem. 2017;311(2):1209-1217. doi: 10.1007/s10967-016-5055-3. Epub 2016 Oct 3.


In 2014, we measured activity concentration of radiocesium in the western North Pacific Ocean. In the north of Kuroshio Front high activity concentration of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in surface mixed layer in 2012 had been transported eastward by 2014. In the south of the front we found a radiocesium subsurface maximum in 200-600 m depth, which was similar to that observed in 2012. The subsurface maximum spread southward from 18°N to 15°N between 2012 and 2014, which suggests spreading of Fukushima-derived radiocesium into the whole western subtropical area by 2014 due to formation and subduction of the subtropical mode water.

Keywords: Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant accident; North Pacific Ocean; Radiocesium.