[Acetabular fractures in the elderly - primary endoprosthesis]

Orthopade. 1997 Apr;26(4):348-353. doi: 10.1007/PL00003390.
[Article in German]


In the Department of Traumatology at the University of Ulm, 26 elderly patients with displaced acetabular fractures were treated with primary implantation of a hip joint endoprosthesis between 1986 and 1996. The principles of operative therapy are stabilization of the acetabular ring, grafting of acetabular defects with autogenous corticocancellous bone and cranial buttressing with a reinforcing ring. This concept permits immediate mobilization of elderly patients and full weight-bearing and thus results in favorable early postoperative results. Secondary complications typically caused by immobilization can therefore be avoided.

Keywords: Key words Acetabular fracture • Geriatric patient • Primary prostesis.

Publication types

  • English Abstract