Agitation in hospitalized demented patients is troublesome and disruptive for both patients and caregivers. The literature indicates that agitation is strongly related to physical or psychological discomfort and its recent definition includes the additional relation to emotional distress. Hospitalization associated with major cognitive difficulties further activates the need for attachment and security to which caregivers must pay attention. This synthesis review first deals with the evidence related to agitation in people with dementia and its relationship with discomfort. A description of the difficulties with which caregivers must cope follows. The need to primarily use nonpharmacological approaches during agitation to meet the underlying needs causing discomfort is then developed. Recommended approaches generally involve a relational contact, even if facing the risk of mobilizing frequently unsecured and anxious attachment patterns in this population. A conceptual positioning supported by the Kolcaba comfort theory will position this knowledge. A particular point of this theory, based on previous experiences of patients, will be analyzed based on attachment characteristics of people with dementia.