The China Mental Health Survey (CMHS) is the first nationally representative community survey on mental disorders and mental health services in China. One-step diagnoses for mood disorders, anxiety disorders and substance use disorders were obtained using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview-3.0 (CIDI-3.0), according to the criteria and definition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV). A two-step procedure was applied for schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, using psychosis screening section in CIDI-3.0 as a screening instrument and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I disorders (SCID) as a diagnostic tool. Dementia was diagnosed by the 10/66 dementia diagnosis package in a two-step design. The main aims of the CMHS were: (1) to investigate the prevalence of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, and dementia; (2) to obtain data of service use of individuals with mental disorders in China; and (3) to analyse the social and psychological risk factors or correlates of mental disorders and mental health services. This paper presents a brief review of the background of the CMHS, its aims and measures.
Keywords: China Mental Health Survey; Community survey; Epidemiologic research design; Mental disorder; Psychiatric epidemiology.