BBX21 (also known as SALT TOLERANCE HOMOLOG 2), a B-box (BBX)-containing protein, has been previously identified as a positive regulator of light signaling; however, the precise role of BBX21 in regulating seedling photomorphogenesis remains largely unclear. In this study, we report that CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1 (COP1) interacts with BBX21 in vivo and is able to ubiquitinate BBX21 in vitro. Thus, BBX21 is targeted for 26S proteasome-mediated degradation in dark-grown Arabidopsis seedlings in a COP1-dependent manner. Moreover, we show that BBX21 binds to the T/G-box in the ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL 5 (HY5) promoter and directly activates HY5 expression in the light. Transgenic seedlings overexpressing BBX21 exhibit dramatically shortened hypocotyls in the light, and this phenotype is dependent on a functional HY5. Taken together, our data suggest a molecular base underlying BBX21-mediated seedling photomorphogenesis, indicating that BBX21 is a pivotal component involved in the COP1-HY5 regulatory hub.
Keywords: Arabidopsis; BBX21; COP1; HY5; photomorphogenesis.