Gastrocystoplasty and Hematuria-dysuria Syndrome. What Role Plays Helicobacter Pylori? Case Report and Literature Review

Urol Case Rep. 2015 Mar 21;3(3):70-1. doi: 10.1016/j.eucr.2015.01.014. eCollection 2015 May.


49 years male, who comes to the urology department, complaining of 8 months of lower abdominal pain, burning and oppressive type, of variable intensity reaching 9/10, which is occasionally exacerbated by urination, associated with intermittent gross hematuria, dysuria, refers no fever at any time. Patient with past medical history of bladder and right kidney Tuberculosis (TBC) 25 years ago, treated with a simple right nephrectomy and bladder augmentation with antrum segment of stomach, for low bladder capacity. Never showed any symptom during those 25 years lapsing time.

Keywords: Gastric segments; Gastrocystoplasty; Hematuria-dysuria syndrome; Lower urinary tract reconstruction.

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  • Case Reports