The aim of our study was to identify risk factors that may influence outcomes for patients presenting with Fournier gangrene. Twelve patients hospitalized and treated between August 2007 and August 2013 were included in this study. Distinct features were noted after one or two weeks of hospitalization. We did not observe a significant correlation between death risk and the extent of necrosis in this patient set. However, the extent of necrosis tended to correlate with the duration of hospitalization in the survivors. We also compared the results of blood biochemical analyses between the surviving and non-surviving groups. A significant difference was noted in the levels of glucose (Glu) after two weeks. In the non-surviving group, Glu levels were increased. These findings suggest a relationship between glycemic control after the initiation of therapy and death. We also examined the results of blood biochemical analyses according to the duration of hospitalization. The lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels at admission and LDH levels after two weeks were significantly higher in the patients with a duration of hospitalization longer than the median duration of 61.5 days. These findings suggest a relationship between the duration of hospitalization and the extent of necrosis at diagnosis.