Context: The surveillance of antibiotic use in hospitals and of data on resistance is an essential measure for antibiotic stewardship. There are 3 national systems in France to collect data on antibiotic use: DREES, ICATB, and ATB RAISIN. We compared these databases and drafted recommendations for the creation of an optimized database of information on antibiotic use, available to all concerned personnel: healthcare authorities, healthcare facilities, and healthcare professionals.
Methodology: We processed and analyzed the 3 databases (2008 data), and surveyed users.
Results: The qualitative analysis demonstrated major discrepancies in terms of objectives, healthcare facilities, participation rate, units of consumption, conditions for collection, consolidation, and control of data, and delay before availability of results. The quantitative analysis revealed that the consumption data for a given healthcare facility differed from one database to another, challenging the reliability of data collection. We specified user expectations: to compare consumption and resistance data, to carry out benchmarking, to obtain data on the prescribing habits in healthcare units, or to help understand results.
Conclusions: The study results demonstrated the need for a reliable, single, and automated tool to manage data on antibiotic consumption compared with resistance data on several levels (national, regional, healthcare facility, healthcare units), providing rapid local feedback and educational benchmarking.
Keywords: Antibiotic stewardship; Antimicrobial resistance; Benchmarking; Bon usage des antibiotiques; Résistance aux antibiotiques.
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