We report on next-generation transcriptome sequencing results of three human hepatocellular carcinoma tumor/tumor-adjacent pairs. This analysis robustly examined ∼12,000 genes for both expression differences and molecular alterations. We observed 4,513 and 1,182 genes demonstrating 2-fold or greater increase or decrease in expression relative to their normal, respectively. Network analysis of expression data identified the Aurora B signaling, FOXM1 transcription factor network and Wnt signaling pathways pairs being altered in HCC. We validated as differential gene expression findings in a large data set containing of 434 liver normal/tumor sample pairs. In addition to known driver mutations in TP53 and CTNNB1, our mutation analysis identified non-synonymous mutations in genes implicated in metabolic diseases, i.e. diabetes and obesity: IRS1, HMGCS1, ATP8B1, PRMT6 and CLU, suggesting a common molecular etiology for HCC of alternative pathogenic origin.
Keywords: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC); RNA-seq; gene expression; mutation.