Radiation-induced ocular injury secondary to treatment of nasal cancer occurs in humans and animals. Dogs with nasal carcinomas were randomized to receive 36 to 67.5 Gy in fractionated doses given in 4 weeks using a 6 MV linear accelerator. Ophthalmic examinations were performed according to a predetermined protocol and eyes were removed for histologic examination when dogs were euthanatized. The eye in the radiation field exhibited greater injury than the contralateral eye with nasal areas of the globe having more severe lesions than temporal areas. Lesions occurred in all dogs and at all doses. At 1 month or less postirradiation treatment, all dogs had blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis and corneal epithelial atrophy. Surface lesions persisted in all eyes, becoming less severe and more chronic with time. At 3-6 months postirradiation treatment, degenerative angiopathy of retinal vessels appeared with multifocal retinal hemorrhage and mild diffuse retinal degeneration which affected outer layers first and progressed inwardly with time. At 6 months postirradiation treatment, there were cataracts, fibrosis of retinal vessel walls with loss of vascular smooth muscle, retinal hemorrhage, and mild to moderate retinal degeneration. At 1 year postirradiation treatment, retinal vessels remained sclerotic, retinal hemorrhage was less frequent, and there was moderate retinal degeneration with swelling and loss of ganglion cells. By 2 years or more postirradiation treatment, optic nerve axonal degeneration secondary to retinal changes had appeared. Tapetal and choroidal atrophy were inconsistently seen. Thus, ocular lesions at the doses received developed along a relatively predictable time course and recovery was not seen. Structures of the canine eye appear sufficiently sensitive that even relatively low total doses given in small doses per fraction cause significant long-term injury.