After 30 years of efforts for the prevention and treatment of blindness, the prevalence of blindness in Guangdong Province decreased from 0.64% of the 60's, 0.62% of the 70's, to 0.35% of the 80's. The prevalence of blindness was found to rise with age, i.e. 38.60% in people over 50 years and 34.40% in people under 20 years in the 60's. The figures became 78.02% and 12.74% respectively in the 80's, and always higher in women than in men. The leading cause of blindness was cataract, representing 36.00% of the blind in the 60's, 41.18% in the 70's, and 63.05% in the 80's. The authors that treatment of cataract was important for reducing the prevalence of blindness, while glaucoma, infectious diseases and trachoma should also not be overlooked.