Objective: To determine the relationships between tibial bone lead and serum polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) concentrations and neurocognitive function.
Methods: The study population consisted of men and women former capacitor workers had been employed by the General Electric Corporation between 1946 and 1977. Regression analyses evaluated the association between neurocognitive function and lipid-adjusted serum PCB and tibia lead concentrations.
Results: Tibia lead, but not serum PCBs, was significantly correlated with deficits in neurocognitive function. Women showed more associations between tibia lead and neurocognitive function than men, especially regarding executive function.
Conclusions: These results demonstrate that low levels of tibia lead, but not serum PCBs, are associated with neurocognitive deficits and that postmenopausal women show a greater number of deficits in executive function than men.