Surgical treatment of aortic coarctation

Images Paediatr Cardiol. 2004 Apr;6(2):18-28.


Coarctation of the aorta accounts for about 8% of all congenital heart diseases. Since the first successful case of surgical treatment in 1944 by Crafoord and Nylin1 in Sweden, several surgical techniques have been employed in the treatment of this anomaly. Here, we review by illustration the various surgical options in coarctation of the aorta with emphasis on our preferred technique - the extended resection and end-to-end anastomosis. Why the extended resection technique? Our experience - and that of other institutions - has shown that this is a better option in childhood as it is associated with a lesser degree of recoarctation and subsequent need for re-intervention.2.

Keywords: Child; Coarctation; Heart defects; Thoracic Surgery; aorta; congenital.