The causes of frailty are complex and must be accepted as multidimensional based on the interplay of genetic, biological, physical, psychological, social and environmental factors, although inflammation and oxidative stress are two factors that play an important role in the development of symptoms with those fragile states.
Objective: to establish the relationship between oxidative stress, frailty and decline cognitive.
Methods: A review of the literature and data abstraction from papers are showing the relationship between a) oxidative stress and frailty, b) oxidative stress and decline cognitive.
Results: The papers reviewed showed that we can establish a relationship between the progress of neurodegenerative disorders and increased oxidative stress. Also found in frailty, that oxidative stress plays an important role as one of the starting points for the appearance of permanent inflammatory states.
Conclusions: Although the literature indicates the relationship between oxidative stress, frailty and decline cognitive, more studies are needed in this regard, especially interventions that asses whether increased intake of antioxidants in older frailty may improve the progress of disease and slow cognitive decline.