Synchronous renal cell carcinoma in patients with colorectal carcinoma is reported in various percentages ranging from 0.03 up to 4.85% (Halak et al. (2000), Capra et al. (2003)). When surgical treatment is indicated usually two separate operations are planned for resection. In open surgery, in such cases simultaneous resection is recommended if possible. Few reports have described the resection of colorectal and renal cell carcinoma in a single laparoscopic procedure. We have shown that combining left radical nephrectomy and right hemicolectomy is technically feasible, safe and that overall operative time can be limited. In our case operative time was 210 minutes, blood loss 100 milliliters, and duration of hospital stay was 8 days. Adequate port placement, preoperative scheduling, and surgical experience are essential to achieve this goal.