The aim of this review is to evaluate the use of chemotherapy (CT) in the treatment of squamous vulvar cancer. Since the 90s there was a continuous evolution in the therapeutic approach to this tumour. Although primary surgery is now considered the most effective approach, there are advanced diseases in which surgery may compromise anatomical structures causing severe mutilation. These are the reasons why CHT, with or without concomitant radiotherapy RT, started to be strongly recommended as neoadjuvant strategy. Chemotherapeutic agents have also been used alone as adjuvant treatment or in association with RT, by exploiting the radiosensitizing effect of these drugs. There are few data about the use of CHT as palliative treatment but recent studies point to the use of target therapy. In conclusion, clinical data and the evidence of chemo-sensitivity in vulvar squamous cell carcinoma open new possibilities to future research in this field.
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