After decades of research using a candidate gene approach, only NAT2 and GSTM1 have consistently been demonstrated to be germline genetic susceptibility markers for urinary bladder cancer (UBC). The recent shift to an agnostic genome-wide association approach led to the identification of several UBC susceptibility loci, and provided valuable leads for new mechanistic insights into UBC carcinogenesis. The markers do not have sufficient discriminatory ability yet to be applied for risk assessment in the population and the question is whether they ever will. Prognostic and predictive studies in UBC are still in their infancy compared with etiologic studies. In the future, focus on a genome-wide association approach possibly using whole-genome sequence data, consortia formation and meta-analyses, and blood and tumor tissue collection, preferably in the context of randomized controlled trials will stimulate well designed and sufficiently powered studies, and thereby enhance the elucidation of genetic prognostic and predictive markers.