Shrink film patterning by craft cutter: complete plastic chips with high resolution/high-aspect ratio channel

Lab Chip. 2010 Sep 21;10(18):2472-5. doi: 10.1039/c004737f. Epub 2010 Aug 2.


This paper presents a rapid, ultra-low-cost approach to fabricate microfluidic devices using a polyolefin shrink film and a digital craft cutter. The shrinking process (with a 95% reduction in area) results in relatively uniform and consistent microfluidic channels with smooth surfaces, vertical sidewalls, and high aspect ratio channels with lateral resolutions well beyond the tool used to cut them. The thermal bonding of the layers results in strongly bonded devices. Complex microfluidic designs are easily designed on the fly and protein assays are also readily integrated into the device. Full device characterization including channel consistency, optical properties, and bonding strength are assessed in this technical note.

Publication types

  • Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't

MeSH terms

  • Animals
  • Immunoassay
  • Microfluidic Analytical Techniques / instrumentation*
  • Microtechnology / methods*
  • Optical Devices
  • Plastics / chemistry*
  • Point-of-Care Systems
  • Polyenes / chemistry
  • Surface Properties


  • Plastics
  • Polyenes
  • PL 732