Nanowalled polymer microtubes fabricated by using strained semiconductor templates

Nanotechnology. 2010 Jun 18;21(24):245305. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/24/245305. Epub 2010 May 25.


Herein we describe the realization of nanowalled polymeric microtubes through a novel and versatile approach combining the layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition technique, the self-rolling of hybrid polymer/semiconductor microtubes and the subsequent removal of the semiconductor template. The realized channels were characterized in detail using scanning electron and atomic force microscopes. Additionally, we report on the incorporation of a dye molecule within the nanowalls of such microtubes, demonstrating a distribution of the fluorescence signal throughout the whole channel volume. This approach offers the possibility to tailor the properties of micro/nanotubes in terms of size, wall thickness and composition, thus enabling their employment for several applications.