Inflammatory periodontal disease (PD) is a common disease worldwide that has a primarily bacterial aetiology and is characterized by dysregulation of the host inflammatory response. The degree of inflammation varies among individuals with PD independently of the degree of bacterial infection, suggesting that alteration of the immune function may substantially contribute to its extent. Factors such as smoking, education, and body mass index (BMI) are discussed as potential risk factors for PD. Most PD patients respond to bacterial invaders by mobilizing their defensive cells and releasing cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1beta, tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and IL-6, which ultimately causes tissue destruction by stimulating the production of collagenolytic enzymes, such matrix metalloproteinases. Recently, there has been growing evidence suggesting an association between PD and the increased risk of systemic diseases, such ateriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, stroke, and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). PD and rheumatologic diseases such as RA share many pathological aspects and immunological findings.