Hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer, an autosomal dominant predisposition to colorectal cancer and other malignancies, is caused by inactivating mutations of DNA mismatch repair genes, mainly MLH1 and MSH2. Missense mutations affect protein structure or function, but may also cause aberrant splicing, if located within splice sites (ss) or cis-acting sequences of splicing regulatory proteins, i.e., exonic splicing enhancers or exonic splicing silencers. Despite significant progress of ss scoring algorithms, the prediction for the impact of mutations on splicing is still unsatisfactory. For this study, we assessed ten ss and nine missense mutations outside ss in MLH1 and MSH2, including eleven newly identified mutations, and experimentally analyzed their effect at the RNA level. We additionally tested and compared the reliability of several web-based programs for the prediction of splicing outcome for these mutations.