Fifteen of the 101 research questions that were assigned priorities in the Burn Nursing Delphi study by Marvin et al. (Marvin JA, Carrougher GJ, Bayley EW, Weber B, Knighton J, Rutan RL. Burn nursing Delphi study: setting research priorities. J BURN CARE REHABIL 1991;12:190-7) addressed education from the perspectives of patients, their families, and burn nurses; the study also addressed the issue of burn prevention education. Questions concerning patient education were assigned the highest priority in this education subgroup with respect to the potential for research that would have an impact on patient welfare. The question that rated highest as a priority for its potential impact on the profession of burn nursing addressed the core competencies needed for safe and effective burn nursing practice. Prevention education was generally found to be a low priority in the Delphi study. Many of the questions in the education subgroup can best be answered by comparative or experimental studies designed to explain and predict the effects of various teaching strategies on behavioral outcomes. Research on patient, nurse, and burn prevention education provides a fertile ground for nurse researchers and an opportunity to contribute knowledge of vital importance to clinicians, educators, managers, and the public.