Quantum Dots as Reporters in Multiplexed Immunoassays for Biomarkers of Exposure to Agrochemicals

Anal Lett. 2007 Jan;40(7):1423-1433. doi: 10.1080/00032710701327088.


The application of quantum dots (QDs) as labels in immunoassay microarrays for the multiplex detection of 3-phenoxybenzoic acid (PBA) and atrazine-mercapturate (AM) has been demonstrated. PBA and AM are biomarkers of exposure to the pyrethroid insecticides and to the herbicide atrazine, respectively. Microarrays were fabricated by microcontact printing of the coating antigens in line patterns onto glass substrates. Competitive immunoassays were successfully performed using QDs (QD560 and QD620) as reporters. The multiplexed immunoassays were characterized by fluorescence microscopy and SEM. The application of QD fluorophores facilitates multiplex assays and therefore can contribute to enhanced throughput in biomonitoring.