In our study, we examined socioeconomic, treatment-related, and psychologic experiences of parents during the acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment of their children in an academic hospital in Indonesia. Children were treated with the WK-ALL-2000 protocol and received donated chemotherapy. From November 2004 to April 2006, 51 parents were interviewed by psychologists using semi-structured questionnaires. The family income had decreased (69%) since the start of treatment. Parents lost their jobs (29% of fathers and 8% of mothers), most of whom stated that this loss of employment was caused by the leukemia of their child (87% of fathers and 100% of mothers). Treatment costs resulted in financial difficulties (78%), debts (65%), and forced parents either to postpone or withdraw from parts of treatment (18%). Parents mentioned needing more information (86%) from and contact (77%) with doctors. The parent organization did not pay any visits (69%) during hospitalization, nor did they give information (59%) or emotional support (55%). We have concluded that the socioeconomic impact of leukemia treatment was profound. Communication between parents and doctors requires improving. The role of the parent organization was insignificant and must be ameliorated.