1. At the median post-transplant follow-up (to Ab evaluation) of 51.4 months, the prevalence of anti-HLA and anti-MICA Abs was 21.9% and 19%, respectively. 2. Overall, of the 196 patients included, 124 (63.3%) were negative to all tested Abs, and 72 (36.7%) were positive for: HLA Abs alone = 34; MICA Abs alone = 29; and HLA + MICAAbs = 9. 3. Two years after Ab evaluation, graft survival was significantly lower for patients with HLA + MICA Abs (p = 0.046). 4. The proportion of patients without CNI drugs at the time of Ab evaluation was greater in patients with one Ab and even greater in those with two Abs (HLA + MICA) when compared to patients with a negative Ab determination (p = 0.037).