Proteomics Data Collection (ProDaC) is an EU-funded "Coordination Action" within the 6th framework programme. It aims to simplify the publication, dissemination and utilization of proteomics data by establishing standards that will support broad data collection from the research community. As a part of ProDaC, regular workshops are organized on a half-yearly basis to enable communication and discussion of the involved partners and to report on project progress. After the kick-off meeting (October 2006) in Long Beach, CA, USA and the 1st workshop in Lyon, France (April 2007), the 2nd ProDaC workshop took place at the COEX InterContinental Hotel in Seoul, Korea, on 5th October 2007, shortly before the HUPO World Congress. The progress achieved within the first year was presented by the leaders of the work packages. Additionally, a Journal's representative talked about his experiences and future plans concerning Proteomics standards; and two further external speakers presented their research related to data handling and Proteomics repositories.