Aim: To assess the sealing ability of zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE), Apexit, and Sealapex used as sealer-only backfills in root canals of primary teeth using the high-pressure replica technique.
Methodology: Two hundred and seventy root canals of deciduous molars as well as primary anterior teeth were randomly assigned to three groups (n=90). Root canals were prepared to size 35 and filled with either zinc oxide-eugenol (ZOE), Apexit, or Sealapex using a lentulo filler. Twenty-four hours after setting of the materials the roots were nail-varnished (except for the apical tip), and half of the specimens (n=45) were penetrated by a coloured (rhodamine B) epoxy resin. The resin was infiltated into the pores and cavities of the teeth in a high-pressure vessel. The remaining groups (n=45) were stored in 100% humidity, and infiltration of the resin followed after 40d. Apical leakage was assessed by means of a grinding technique using eight steps of 0.5mm each.
Results: ZOE and Apexit failed to seal the root canals in both subgroups. This was significantly different from the root canals filled with Sealapex where in both subgroups some 30% of the specimens revealed a tight seal up to a distance of 2.9mm of the apex.
Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study it can be concluded that Sealapex shows less leakage than ZOE and Apexit. With regard to the three materials tested, Sealapex should be a viable alternative for sealer-only obturation of pulpectomized primary teeth. The high-pressure replica technique seems to be suitable for assessing leakage of root canal filling materials.