Micellar induced regioselectivity in the two-step consecutive reaction of SO3(2-) with Br-(CH2CH2)n-Br (n=2-5)

J Colloid Interface Sci. 2007 Aug 15;312(2):453-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jcis.2007.03.056. Epub 2007 Mar 30.


High field (800 MHz) (1)H NMR was used to monitor the two-step consecutive reaction of excess SO(3)(2-) with symmetrical bifunctional alpha,omega-dibromoalkanes with butane (DBB), hexane (DBH), octane (DBO), and decane (DBD) chains in CTAB micelles at 25 degrees C. The first-order rate constant for the first substitution step for DBB and DBH is about 5 times faster than for the second, but the kinetics for DBO and DBD were not cleanly first-order. After 40 min, the solution contained about 80% of the intermediate bromoalkanesulfonate from DBB and DBH and the remainder is alkanedisulfonate and unreacted starting material. The same reactions were carried out in homogeneous MeOH/D(2)O solutions at 50 degrees C. The rate constants for all four alpha,omega-dibromoalkanes were first-order throughout the time course of the reaction and the same within +/-10%. However, because micellar solutions are organized on the nanoscale and bring together lipophilic and hydrophilic reactants into a small reaction volume at the micellar interface, they speed this substitution reaction considerably compared to reaction in MeOH/D(2)O. The CTAB micelles also induce a significant regioselectivity in product formation by speeding the first step of the consecutive reaction more than the second. The results are consistent with the bromoalkanesulfonate intermediates having a radial orientation within the micelles with the -CH(2)SO(3)(-) group in the interfacial region and the -CH(2)Br group directed into the micellar core such that the concentration of -CH(2)Br groups in the reactive zone, i.e., the micellar interface, is significantly reduced. These results provide the first example of self-assembled surfactant system altering the relative rates of the reaction steps of a consecutive reaction and, in doing so, enhancing monosubstitution of a symmetrically disubstituted species.