Proto-oncogene transcriptional activation was analyzed in a group of MCF 247 MuLv-induced T-cell lymphomas to identify transformation-specific gene activations and determine whether the proviral insertion near a myc gene could promote a peculiar mechanism of transformation through a differential proto-oncogene expression pattern. Of the six lymphomas analyzed, three showed the MCF 247 provirus integrated within the N-myc locus, one carried the provirus integrated near c-myc, whereas for the remaining two, no evidence of proviral integrations in any of the known myc loci was obtained. Independently of the integrative events, the pattern of proto-oncogene expression was almost identical in all six lymphomas. These findings seem to rule out the existence of a peculiar pathway of transformation associated with the proviral insertion near a myc locus. Moreover, the transcription pattern observed was qualitatively identical to that displayed by normal thymocytes; only quantitative differences in c- or N-myc, c-myb and Ha-ras were observed. These results suggest that the T-cell proto-oncogene activation program is not qualitatively affected by the transforming event(s).