Background/purpose: To describe the dysmorphology of pectus excavatum, the most common congenital chest wall anomaly.
Methods: A stratified sample of 64 patients, representative of a patient population with pectus excavatum of the Children's Hospital of King's Daughters in Norfolk, VA, was described and classified. The sample was stratified by sex to represent a 4:1 male-to-female ratio. The sample was further stratified to represent categories of age (3-10, 11-16, and 17 years and older). Preoperative photos and baseline chest computed tomography scans were examined and categorized according to the chief criteria, including asymmetry/symmetry of the depression, localized vs diffuse morphology, sternal torsion, cause of asymmetric appearance, and the length of the depression.
Results: Useful morphologic distinctions in pectus excavatum are localized depressions vs diffuse depressions, short and long length, symmetry, sternal torsion, slope/position of absolute depth, and unique patterns such as the horns of steer depression.
Conclusions: These classifications simplify the diagnosis of pectus excavatum, aid in corrective surgery, and should improve correlation of phenotype and genotype in future genetic analysis.