The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of two different diets on lipolysis and lipogenesis in subcutaneous fat cells from obese women. In a ten-week nutritional intervention study, forty women were randomly assigned to a hypoenergetic-2,514 kJ (- 600 kcal/day) diet of either moderate-fat/moderate-carbohydrate or low-fat/high-carbohydrate content. Body weight was equally reduced by approximately 7.5 % in both diet groups (p = 0.58). A subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy was obtained for subsequent measurement of triglyceride breakdown (lipolysis) using drugs active at different steps of the lipolytic signaling cascade, and lipid synthesis (glucose transport) before and after intervention. No difference was found between the two diet groups at the maximum rate of either lipolysis or adrenoceptor sensitivity (p-values: 0.14 - 0.97). Inhibition of lipolysis by insulin was also similar in both diet groups before and after intervention. Finally, insulin-stimulated glucose transport did not show any changes that could be attributed to the type of diet. In conclusion, our data suggest that macronutrient diet composition has no major influence on glucose transport or mobilization of triglycerides in human subcutaneous fat cells of obese women.